This leaflet introduces our patient online service My Medical Record, a secure website for patients. It gives you access to your own online health record containing information jointly managed and maintained by you and the hospital.

We have developed this service because our research has shown that patients value the ability to have access to their hospital information online. This service is free.

How the service works

My Medical Record is owned and operated by University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHSFT).

The website stores and displays the personal and medical information held in your personal health record, some of which will be loaded from your local hospital trust systems. In some cases it may reduce the need for you to attend outpatient appointments.

A summary

  • A secure online record, allowing you to co-manage your healthcare online
  • Accessible from any web-enabled device
  • Helping you and your clinicians to share information online
  • Reduces the need for hospital visits

How to sign up

My Medical Record is free and available to patients who are having or have had treatment for certain conditions or used services at one of our hospitals. You need to register in order to use the service.

You will be invited to use My Medical Record by your clinical team. You will be able to see information relevant to your treatment and care and send messages to the team treating you. You will also get access to information that is relevant to your condition. As part of your care you may be expected to provide electronic information about yourself and to keep it up to date.

What if I don’t have access to the internet?

We would like to make this system available to all our patients, even those who do not access the internet at home. Many of our patients have sought assistance from family and friends or community IT resources (your local library for example) when needed.

In order to register for My Medical Record you have to provide an email address and mobile phone number. If you do not have these you may wish to let a member of your family or a friend help you to access the system or log on on your behalf.

You must obtain their consent to do this as we will store their email and mobile phone number against your details.

Your responsibilities

The main difference between My Medical Record and other information we hold about your healthcare is that the information in the website belongs to you. Your clinical team might ask you to provide information on a regular basis by completing a health questionnaire (‘Health MOT’) or a satisfaction survey, for example, along with other information that may be helpful for your healthcare team to know. These are things you might normally tell us when you come to clinic.

Please check the information is accurate on a regular basis and make changes if required. However please think carefully before removing information that might make it easier to care for you. If in doubt, check with your healthcare team first.

It is important to understand that you may be able to see a wide range of information about your health when you access My Medical Record. You are offered choices as you use the website about the type of information that you are about to see and can choose to enter some parts of the website, and not others. If you do not want to see certain types of information, then please do not open those sections.

Looking after your password

The information in the website is confidential and personal to you. You should protect your access details and password in the same way you would do for your other private online services, for example your bank. When you choose a password make sure it is something memorable known only to you. Don’t share it with anyone. It is good practice to change your password regularly, even if you think nobody else knows it.

If you need to change your password go to the main screen and click on the link on the top right-hand side.

How we use your information

Personal information you provide on this site may be used by us in a number of ways. For example:

  • To update your main hospital record
  • To provide you with:
    • appropriate healthcare and treatment, now and in the future
    • advice and information relating to your treatment and care
    • the opportunity to take part in our research and development projects, as well as surveys and audits we undertake to improve our services


To understand more about confidentiality and use of patient information systems please telephone your Support Worker or contact them via the messaging facility on My Medical Record in the first instance.

Your rights

If you want to know more about your rights regarding the ways we use your information or how you can obtain copies of the information we hold about you, please telephone your support worker or contact them via the messaging facility on My Medical Record in the first instance.

Contact us

Your support worker will have provided you with their contact telephone number during your introduction to My Medical Record. You can also message them directly via My Medical Record. They should be your first point of contact for all queries relating to your follow-up care.

© 2018 University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the copyright holder.