Meetings of the Board of Directors are held at 9.30am unless otherwise stated. The agenda and papers are published in advance of meetings.

If you wish to attend a Board meeting, please contact the Corporate Governance Team. 

In order to manage meetings effectively, no provision is given for members of the public to ask questions during Trust Board meetings. 

Members of the public are in attendance as observers and should anyone have any questions pertaining to the agenda, they may submit a written question to the Corporate Governance Team at least three working days prior to the meeting.

Email our Corporate Governance team

Verbal responses to written questions will be provided at the meeting under the agenda item. However, in circumstances when a response will take longer than anticipated, the requestor will receive a written response within five working days of submission of the question.

Meeting dates and papers

Current and next financial year

26 April 2023 Agenda and papers Minutes
31 May 2023 Agenda and papers Minutes
28 June 2023 Agenda and papers Minutes
26 July 2023 Agenda and papers Minutes
27 September 2023 Agenda and papers Minutes
29 November 2023 Agenda and papers Minutes
28 February 2024 Agenda and papers Minutes
27 March 2024 Agenda and papers Minutes


24 April 2024 Agenda and papers Minutes
29 May 2024 Agenda and papers Minutes
26 June 2024 Agenda and papers Minutes
25 September 2024 Agenda and papers Minutes
30 October 2024 Agenda and papers Minutes
27 November 2024 Agenda and papers Minutes
29 January 2025 Agenda and papers Minutes
26 March 2025 Agenda and papers Minutes



Please note that the minutes of each meeting before January 2022 can be found in the subsequent meeting's papers

28 April 2021 Agenda and papers
26 May 2021 Agenda and papers
30 June 2021 Agenda and papers
28 July 2021 Agenda and papers
29 September 2021 Agenda and papers
27 October 2021 Agenda and papers
24 November 2021 Agenda and papers
26 January 2022 Agenda and papers Minutes
23 February 2022 Agenda and papers Minutes
30 March 2022

Agenda and papers

Patient story video – Rachel (psychological medicine)
