Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) plays a fundamental part in everything we do for our patients and making The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre a great place to work:
- Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone is provided with opportunities to fulfil their potential
- Diversity is about how we recognise, value and celebrate difference
- Inclusion is about a person’s experience within the workplace and in wider society and the extent to which they feel valued and a sense of belonging
Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion
- We aim to treat everyone with dignity and respect at all times
- We will challenge discriminatory behaviour and practice
- We will recognise and celebrate diversity
- We will ensure equal and easy access to services
- We will ensure equal access to employment and development opportunities for our staff
- We will listen and engage with staff, patients, and their families to ensure that our facilities and services are meeting the needs of everyone
Our staff networks
We are committed to creating a fairer and more diverse NHS for everyone. One of the ways we wish to achieve our ambition is through our staff networks – they are an important mechanism to allow colleagues to discuss their experiences, offer a safe space, and help us to shape our organisational culture to create a fairer and inclusive work environment for all.
Our staff networks involve employees coming together around a shared purpose to improve staff experience within The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. They share heritage, lived experience, and characteristics which are usually linked to the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010.
Our staff networks include:
- Ethnic Diversity Staff Network
- Disabilities and Long-Term Conditions Staff Network
- LGBTQ+ Staff Network
- Menopause Support Group
- Women’s Staff Network
Not only do the networks provide a supportive and welcoming space for our staff, but they also offer expertise on matters related to equality, diversity, and inclusion. The staff networks provide our staff with a platform to share their experiences, building a sense of belonging.
Equality, diversity and inclusion reporting
We carry out several reporting activities throughout the year in line with statutory or national drivers. These activities help us to better understand what we are doing well and to look at ways we can improve to make sure we are equitable and inclusive.
We publish each of our reports.
The annual report provides us with an opportunity to highlight the activities undertaken over the year that support our commitment to inclusion, but also allows us to reflect and plan our key priorities.
Read our latest Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report (2022/23)
The Gender Pay Gap Report looks at the difference between men and women’s average pay in an organisation. Reporting on the gender pay gap is a statutory requirement of all organisations who have 250 or more employees. For more information visit the Gender Pay Gap Service website.
Read our latest Gender Pay Gap Report (2021/22 – published March 2023)
The Workforce Race Equality Standard Report explores the experiences of staff from Black and Minority Ethnic groups compared to White staff. The WRES report was mandated by NHS England by the Standard NHS Contract. For more information visit Workforce Race Equality Standard.
Read our latest Workforce Race Equality Standard Report (2022/23)
The Workforce Disability Equality Standard again is mandated as part of the Standard NHS Contract. It compares the experiences of staff with disabilities and long-term health conditions and staff without disabilities. For more information visit Workforce Disability Equality Standard.
Read our latest Workforce Disability Equality Standard Report (2022/23)
The Equality Delivery System (EDS) is a system that helps NHS organisations improve the services they provide for their local communities and provide better working environments, free of discrimination, for those who work in the NHS, while meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
A review of the EDS2 was undertaken to incorporate system changes and take account of the new system architecture. Through collaboration and co-production and taking into account the impact of COVID-19, the EDS has been updated and EDS 2022. For more information visit Equality Delivery System 2022.