About CLL / SLL

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) are the same illness presenting in different ways:

  • As a high white cell count in the case of CLL, or 
  • With enlarged lymph nodes in SLL

They are a type of low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which are slow-growing blood cancers. 

CLL / SLL is common – around 4,500 people are diagnosed every year in the UK. 

CLL / SLL typically behaves like a chronic condition – you might need treatment at times, and long-term monitoring:

  • Around 1 in 3 people need treatment soon after diagnosis
  • Around 1 in 3 need treatment at some point
  • Around 1 in 3 never need treatment

Usually people are diagnosed after blood tests are taken for other reasons. Some patients might have symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue – tiredness that does not go away
  • Weight loss
  • Night sweats
  • Enlarged lymph nodes – you might have painless lumps in your neck, armpit or groin

When you are diagnosed, your care will be discussed at a multidisciplinary team meeting (MDT) where different specialists will consider the best treatment options for you. Your doctor will discuss this with you so you can decide what is right for you.

It is common for people with CLL / SLL to have periods of ‘active monitoring’ – this means they are not currently having treatment but their clinical team is monitoring their condition so they get treatment when they need it. 

Research has shown that there is no benefit from starting treatment before you need it. If you develop symptoms relating to CLL / SLL – or we are concerned about your blood tests – we will usually discuss treatment options with you at that stage.

Treatment for CLL / SLL has advanced significantly in recent years. Most patients will be offered treatment with targeted drugs (tablets or capsules), sometimes in combination with an antibody therapy (given through a drip). 

Your doctor will discuss the different options with you, taking into account your wishes, disease factors, and any other medical conditions you may have.

We provide a range of specialist treatments for CLL / SLL, which includes:

Find out more at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre about:

Our Lymphoma and CLL team details are on our general lymphoma page

Our Cancer Information and Support Centres can provide individualised help and support for patients and families affected by cancer. The team’s main base is in Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Liverpool but they also work at our Aintree and Wirral hospitals.

There are also local Macmillan services in other hospitals across our region.

External sites that offer extra support and information about CLL / SLL include: