Consultant in Haemato-Oncology


MBChB (Hons), BMedSci (Immunology), MRCP, FRCPath

GMC number:


Membership and appointments:

Royal College of Physicians
Royal College of Pathologists
British Society for Haematology (BSH)
Chair of NCRI CNS Lymphoma Working Group (High Grade Lymphoma Sub Group)
Member of BSH Lymphoma Special Interest Group Committee
Chair of Mersey Regional Lymphoma Special Interest Group
Joint Chair for Haematology Clinical Quality Group – Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance


Dr Smith studied at Edinburgh University and completed undergraduate training in 2003. His postgraduate training started in Merseyside and was completed in Edinburgh in 2012.

He has worked in Merseyside since 2012 in haematology, with a focus on lymphoid malignancy (lymphoma/ CLL). He has a particular interest in central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma.

Dr Smith participates actively in clinical research and is the local principal investigator for several studies. He is the lead for lymphoma at Clatterbridge.