Consultant in Clinical Oncology
MB BChir , MA (Cantab), MRCP, FRCR
GMC number:
Dr Khanduri was appointed Medical Director at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in 2017. In addition to being Medical Director, Sheena continues to practise as a consultant clinical oncologist, specialising in breast cancer.
Originally from Birmingham, Sheena studied medicine at the University of Cambridge and trained in clinical oncology in the West Midland and Yorkshire Deaneries.
In 2007 she was appointed as a consultant at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals in Shropshire, where she was successively radiotherapy lead and departmental lead before becoming lead clinician for cancer services in 2016. She also served on the Heads of Service Committee for the Royal College of Radiologists.
Sheena has a postgraduate qualification in strategic leadership from the University of Warwick and completed the Strategic Clinical Leaders Programme with The King’s Fund in 2019.
Dr Khanduri is the Trust's Responsible Officer, Caldicott Guardian and Executive Lead for Research.