This briefing explains the key highlights from our Five Year Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
Download a copy of the briefing on our Five Year Strategic Plan (PDF)
Why we need a new strategy
- We have delivered our last five-year plan, including opening CCC-Liverpool in June 2020 and embedding our unique networked model of care
- Our attention for the next five years will be on maximising the benefits of these developments for patient outcomes and experience
- Issues affecting cancer care will include:
- Ageing population
- Deprivation
- Cancer incidence
- Workforce shortages
- Cybersecurity
- Financial sustainability
Our mission
We will drive improved outcomes and experience through our unique network of specialist cancer care across Cheshire and Merseyside.
Our strategic priorities
- Be Outstanding
- Be Collaborative
- Be a Great Place to Work
- Be Research Leaders
- Be Digital
- Be Innovative
Be Outstanding
Deliver safe, high-quality care and outstanding operational and financial
Our priorities:
- High-quality care and patient experience
- Patient and staff environments
- Maximise benefits of CCC-Liverpool
- Service developments – e.g. TYA Unit and interventional radiology
- Urgent and unplanned cancer care across the region
- Productivity and operational targets
Success measures:
- Outstanding Care Quality Commission rating
- Top decile National Cancer Patient Experience Survey results
- Performance against cancer waiting times
- Redevelopment of CCC-Wirral
- Financial sustainability and ability to invest in services
Be Collaborative
Drive better outcomes for cancer patients, working with our partners across our unique network of care
Our priorities:
- Raise profile as cancer leaders for the region
- Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance
- Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership
- Radiotherapy network
- Genomics Service Alliance for the North West
Success measures:
- Improved 5-year survival
- Increased early diagnosis
- System-wide cancer waiting times performance
- Progress against radiotherapy operational delivery network work plan
- Increased involvement in diagnostics through rapid diagnostic centres
Be a Great Place to Work
Attract, develop and retain a highly-skilled, motivated and inclusive workforce to deliver the best care
Our priorities:
- Leadership skills and capacity
- Recruit the brightest and best
- Develop new roles and new career pathways
- Comprehensive reward and recognition package
- Open and high performing culture
- Physical and mental wellbeing
- Excellence and expertise in education and training
Success measures:
- Top decile staff survey results
- Performance against key workforce metrics
- Performance in equality and inclusion metrics
- Refreshed values and behaviours
- High rates of performance appraisal and development reviews
- Teaching hospital status
Be Research Leaders
Be leaders in cancer research to improve outcomes for patients now and in the future
Our priorities:
- New hospital: unique opportunity to refresh/expand our programme of cancer research
- ECMC renewal bid
- Increase in academic staff
- Increase research in advanced radiotherapy techniques
- Promote non-medical research awareness and participation
- New digital technologies
Success measures:
- Recruitment to clinical academic positions
- Increased trial recruitment and increase in CCC-led trials
- Increased commercial and grant income
- Increase health services research
- Retain ECMC status and gain CRUK centre status
Be Digital
Deliver digitally-transformed services, empowering patients and staff
Our priorities:
- Technologies to support patient choice, keep patients connected & support care closer to home
- Patient access to records and assistive technology
- Free up clinical time through improved digital interoperability
- Turning data into intelligence Ensure that patient information is held safely and securely
Success measures:
- Develop a digital strategy
- Achieve Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society level 7 status
- Establish a true business intelligence function
- Completion of the refresh of digital infrastructure
- Secure Cyber Essentials Plus certification
Be Innovative
Be enterprising and innovative, exploring opportunities that improve or support patient care
Our priorities:
- New hospital is in the heart of Liverpool’s Knowledge Quarter
- Develop and grow capacity, capability and culture of innovation
- Improve and enhance patient care through innovation in practice
- Develop and grow our innovative subsidiaries and joint venture
Success measures:
- Develop and implement an innovation strategy
- Establishment of an Innovation Fund to support new ideas
- Continued growth of our innovative subsidiaries
- Development of an Innovation Bunker as a space to support cutting edge innovation
Our Five-Year Strategic Plan 2021-2025 will shape everything we do over the next five years, including key decisions, business cases and team/individual objectives. It will be supported by an implementation plan and monitored through our governance processes.